
Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Youth Participation in the Kenya Live Presidential Debate 2013

After Days of inquiring from the different Youth groups in Nairobi if they have an idea of who is representing Young people on the panel selected to ask questions and failing miserably… Who is representing the Youth Voice and how are they going to represent are the two question on the mind of the young people gathered at the GPNairobi . 

11th Feb 2013 is a historical date for the First ever Presidential Debate to take place in Kenya forcusing on Economic and Social Policies. 
Live on all Media broadcasting Houses, by 16 hours, a group of young people had gathered at the Global Platform Nairobi to watch via the 3HD LD flat screen hanging on the wall. Dressed in white branded Tshirts with hash tags like #GPNairobi #TechStewards and #KenyaDebate2013. They used these hash tags to engage with the online audience as they updated via Twitter, Facebook and Google+.

Everyone is eager to know what the presidential aspirants are prepared to commit themselves to doing for Young people in Kenya after they take over Office. From the looks in their faces, as they frown and gear in excitement, They are waiting to know who is promising workable solutions as opposed to an ideal world to inform their vote! Since January, the Presidential Debate had been publicized through all broadcasting media outlets Online and Offline in Kenya. Even Google has a special page for the Kenya Presidential Elections 2013. I for one thought this Monday would be a public holiday but I guess Kibaki was not convinced to pause a whole day in preparation for the Debate! 

By 22:00 Hours, The Generic issues major asked were based on #Security, #Education, #Health but Youth were not given a special feature. I don’t know if this was intended by the Event Organisers or Young Peoples involvement in the Next Financial Year Kenyas Planning is still a dime light! “In the last presidential Election, Kibaki promised creating jobs and more jobs but why are there more numbers of youth unemployment today? Today, the presidential aspirants are also doing the same talk, We have the Youth Council In place which understands our problems, Why don’t they equip it to cater for practical solutions for Young Kenyans” Says Garang, a Youth Activist in Nairobi A lot of Youth Organisations in Kenya are members to the National Youth (NYC) – Kenya but the challenge is that politicians over shadow the role of the council with their Party interests thus leaving the NYC poorly funded and unable to do anything for the Youth! 

So did the #KEDebate13 Answer the Youth Question? 
In my opinion, No! Yes the discussion hieghlighted Issues of Security, Health, Education but they were all from a generic perspectives. None of the Presidential aspirants shared their concrete plan on what they will do to improve the status quo but could only share their optimist that once Kenyans trusted them , they would make a difference… Young people were not a forcus in point, Not at any point in the debate did any of the presidential aspirants connect Young people to the different “reforms” the word they kept on using without specifying which exact reforms they would bring forth!!! 

So did the #KEDebate13 change people’s perception? 

#ICCQuestion: This explored the issues whether Raila Odinga was the Snitch and How Uhuru is going to rule the Country via Skype!
#Raila Odinga – He was challenged with claims that he was de campaigning the establishment of a local tribunal instead of taking names to the ICC…He opposed this and said he tried his best to advocate that the suspected in KenyaPost election Violence be tried Home and yet other Parliamentarians Voted against it!
 #Mythoughts- Raila is not a Snitch – He only followed procedure – “ Kofi Annan warned us about ICC but we didn’t listen, I had to do my duty as a leader and act “ Uhuru labored to explain that the ICC will be post ponding his hearing As soon as possible so that it doesn’t drag his duties- “ Kenyans know my personal challenges and if they vote me in office, I will work towards taking Kenya Forward” #Mythoughts- I guess Uhuru needs a second chance!

 #Raila and Uhuru Friendship The two are best friends? Who would have believed? Both Uhuru and Raila are best friends according to their statements at this debate. They only defer in ideology – either claims 

#Martha - “ None of the politicians will tell you the truth, Kenyans know the truth …and this shows you that if they cant be honest to you, they will lie you when elected to power”.
#Mythoughts:- She Showed that Women in Kenya need to be given a chance to take up the main seat and take Kenya to the right cause of action- But is Kenya ready for a Woman president is what drags her a little behind on the race to the statehouse!

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#Peter Kenneth :- His Words Spark the Future! “I believe in Innocent until proven Guilty” 
#Mythoughts:- He believes in reconciliation, he believes in moving forward once given power. He is admired by the Kenyan Middle class but he faces a challenge that these individuals don’t vote! He is likely to be let down by them!

#Dida #Mythoughts: He is definatley a no- nosense person, To him , Kenya is for Kenya and that’s all that matters. He relates a lot with the day to day life but what he says make people laugh- not because they believe him but because he is hilarious. If you have ever watched #DanforMayor, a Serie, You would know that He is a Joke Candidate 

#Muite dared to solve the Migingo Insland land dispute with Uganda in a snap, He wonders why it has taken long to be resolved confirming that the Insland should nt be mistaken, its owned by Kenya! 

From the Synovate recent polls on #KeDebate13: ICC Issue - Uhuru 25%, Raila 17%, Muite 14%, Karua 13%, Kenneth 7%#Decision2013

One thing clear in this debate is that All the Presidential Aspirants are encouraging a Peaceful Election come - March 2013. They all pledged to concrete defeat and if they are any irregularities, they would use the judicially to sort out their cases!

May the Best Man or Woman win this March 2013

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